
hover text: Nor can you prohibit them from thinking, feeling, or following their conscience. I heard it on the Make America Great line.

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hover text: I thought I had a window yesterday morning while he was watching his cartoons, but then one of those “The More You Know” segments came on, and you know how they infuriate him. Terms of enslavement.

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hover text: A really strong President would have denounced Jefferson as a socialist and bullied the Dutch into a fake investigation of Adams. King faker.

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hover text: The whole problem started when King John foolishly signed the Magna Carta. Don’t know much about history.

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hover text: Love the sinner, hate the democracy. An airtight case for campaign finance violations walked into a Barr.

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hover text: You say “coronation gift”, I say “inauguration grift”. You say “impassioned”, I say “imprisoned”. Let’s call the whole thing off.

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