
hover text: Sorry, I know my characters shouldn’t be standing this close to each other, but I only have so many pixels to squeeze them into. And I keep getting outbid by Doonesbury for cartoon N95 masks. The less you know.

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hover text: If only we could convince him what a blockbuster his resignation speech would be. A growing share of a dwindling audience.

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hover text: Virus got me, this I knowFor the fever tells me so,Little did we think to doubtFool too quick his wit to tout. What-the-Hell-jah Chorus.

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hover text: Don’t be afraid of the scientist. Think of him as a lobbyist for reality. Speaking truth to pouter.

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hover text: I had a rare — a unique! — case of bone spurs. The doctors said they were all in my head. Feeling is deceiving.

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hover text: Just try to get those who are going to die to cast their mail-in ballots first. This week’s only link.

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hover text: But don’t worry, you still won’t have to lift a finger to make testing more available. This week’s only link.

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