
hover text: Please consider volunteering to help “cure” mail-in ballots (help people who filled them out incorrectly fix their mistakes so their votes can still be counted) especially if you live in Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, or Arizona. Curing what ails us.

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hover text: I might be ending this strip soon — if Trump wins the election, I don’t think I’ll have the fortitude to go on — so I want to take this opportunity to seriously thank you readers for your likes and comments these past couple of years. If Trump *loses* (which I think is […]

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hover text: I believe I really, really want to believe what Alice or Wally believe. Or that our universe is all just a massive computer simulation. Partly violent with a chance of democracy.

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hover text: Did I manage to make you feel some pity for this poor would-be despot who compromised our constitutional republic and allowed hundreds of thousands to die through incompetence and aggressively ideological pandemic inaction? If at first you don’t succeed…

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hover text: The next best line is, “I long for the days when you would have been my slave.” Pitch black.

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