
hover text: As with most skills, it’s a combination of inborn talent and years of training. Unlike with most skills, an utter lack of conscience helps enormously. Like a good fraudster.

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hover text: Professional psychologists all over the country have called me an emotional charity case! Do-no-gooder.

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hover text: What do we want? A judgement that acknowledges wrongdoing we can no longer obfuscate, but which falls short of removal from office or anything electorally damaging to us! When do we want it? Any time after the 2020 Election would be fine with us! Troll evolution.

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hover text: And don’t try to trick me by slipping the audio into my morning cartoons, because I’ll be covering my ears and singing “Yankee Doodle” while watching them. Ignorance is Linds.

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hover text: How do we know they didn’t really say, “Trumpbert is wrong…ly being persecuted”? “DOJ is wrong”

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hover text: “Liam” was the most popular baby name in a surprising number of states (including Idaho) last year. The weaponization of Justice.

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